Unfortunately, many serious (cancerous) diseases often develop due to genetic predisposition, i.e. there is a higher probability of developing certain diseases.
Patients are often unaware of this, as the frequency of occurrence in the family is not exclusively indicated by the parents, but the diseases sometimes skip some generations.
In addition, patients often have no or only very limited knowledge of their ancestors' illnesses, e.g. due to disrupted family structures and emigration.
This is where we want to offer you our services, in cooperation with an institution and, in an initial test run. If you are interested and have little or no knowledge of your ancestors’ disease histories, we would like to offer you to genealogically work through these, free of charge. This will enable you to take early precautions in consultation with your doctor, should there be a cluster of a disease in your family. It must be expressly mentioned, however, that Historikerkanzlei will act exclusively in a genealogical capacity and will of course not be undertaking any medical or human genetic evaluation.
If you are interested in such a genealogical investigation, please send an e-mail to Christoph Unger ([email protected]) with the subject "Genealogische Untersuchung auf hereditäre Krankheitshäufung".
As we are currently in a test run, our offer is initially limited to a few people with residence and presumed ancestors in the territory of present-day Austria and we reserve the right to choose which persons we select for this purpose.
Danke, Frau Kager. Ich schätze Ihre Arbeit und Freundlichkeit sehr. Auch wenn ich manchmal kurz angebunden bin, dann liegt das einfach daran, dass ich manchmal sehr eingespannt bin.
Dear Mag. Unger, I want to thank you for all your efforts and patience regarding the settlement of my grandfather’s estate. I spoke with the (…) family this week and they said they were following up with your requests to possibly rece…
Sehr geehrte Kanzlei! Danke für Ihre positive Erledigung , freue mich sehr darüber. Ich wünsche frohe Weihnachten und alles Gute, mit freundlichen Grüßen W. J.
Ich möchte mich bei Hrn. Mag. Gallobitsch für seine tolle Arbeit bedanken. Ich bin morgen Donnerstag in der Innenstadt am Nachmittag unterwegs und könnte bei Ihrer Kanzlei vorbeikommen. Ich bitte Sie um eine Information bis wann …